Hybrid Animals

App Name Hybrid Animals
Package Name com.goodtimes94.evoplanetgame
Genre Simulation
Size 34.59 MB
Latest Version
MOD Info
Update Sun Feb 06 2022

Hybrid Animals Mod APK 2023 تنزيل - Happymod.games

Hybrid Animals هي لعبة simulation أحبها اللاعبون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل Hybrid Animals apk 2023 ، لكن Hybrid Animals غالبًا ما تستهلك الكثير من الطاقة والمال ، لذلك أصبح Hybrid Animals mod apk مهمة أكثر أهمية. يوفر Happymod.games راحة كبيرة لتنزيل Hybrid Animals mod apk.

لقد مرت Hybrid Animals بالعديد من الإصدارات على مر السنين. Hybrid Animals 2018 ، Hybrid Animals 2019 ، Hybrid Animals 2020 ، Hybrid Animals 2021. Hybrid Animals 2023 هو الإصدار الأحدث ، لذلك غالبًا ما يتم استخدام Hybrid Animals 2023 ككلمة رئيسية لبحث المستخدم.

يوفر Happymod.games إصدارات مختلفة من Hybrid Animals mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Hybrid Animals 2023 mod APK لأجهزة Android مجانًا الآن على Happymod.games!

وصف Hybrid Animals Mod APK 2023

Hybrid Animals : Spore Evolution Games is a unique, top-down simulator of our planet's biology. It features classic 'feed and grow' gameplay. Morphing into different creatures just became fun!You start as a single cell organism that is also a mutant shapeshifter. Your task is to grow bigger and follow one of the mutation trees of the simulator game. Unlock all the available mutations and become the strongest creature of the planet. Morphing animals into more evolved creatures can be really fun. As a mutant shapeshifter, you will eat tasty creatures until you gain enough mass to evolve from a single cell organism into a more evolved living organism of our planet. Mutate and feed the spore in order to morph into different mutant species or creatures that own special abilities. Follow the evolution course of the zoology kingdom from bacteria to mammals or even a human. After that, conquer the planet and the deep blue ocean. Play the game to unlock multiple creatures, life forms and tasty species. You can also complete puzzles / missions in order to collect dna sequences. Use you shapeshifting abilities to do so. Evolve your single cell spore into a more evolved mutant organism (a hybrid animal) in order to be able to eat bigger tasty creatures and become the strongest creature of this simulator of the earth. The gameplay is inspired by games in which the player has to eat the dots on the screen to get bigger. In this game instead of eating dots you eat smaller creatures. As a shapeshifter you can also follow the evolution tree from spore to different, more evolved species. Grow big and mutate into a bigger sea creatures in order to conquer the ocean and the land! Evolve into a human to conquer the land.Find the entrance to the deep blue ocean level and unlock more evolutions to morph into, unlock new species, discover new dna challenges and evolve into different creatures and organisms of our planet 's ocean.This calm game offers a simulator of centuries of mutation of earth's known zoology. You'll find yourself shapeshifting into different mammals, reptiles or sea creatures. The bacteria mutation over the centuries, sure did its magic! Have fun and learn the basics of zoology. Morph into different mutant creatures in order to climb on the food chain and conquer the earth!Hybrid Animals : Spore Evolution Games Game Tips 📋:● Speak to the other hybrid creatures, they may have a mission for you!● Collect dna sequences to help friendly creature species morph.● Morph into more complicated life forms to eat bigger tasty creatures within the zoology app. Climb up the food chain!● The app can also help younger people understand genetics and how life on earth evolved!● Play and learn about human evolution.Download this simulator and get a chance to follow the mutation trees, collect dna sequences and learn about life on earth. Eat tasty animal species and single cell organisms to get big! Your shapeshifter character will evolve and help you learn about natural selection, earth's food chain and more! Explore the simulation of earth's biology kingdom. Start as a spore, eat and grow to become stronger. After a while you'll be able to morph into bigger creatures of our known biology.Don't forget to rate and review the dna game. Life on earth depends on it!Attributions:Graphics used for the creation of featured graphic:Butterfly vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.comEducation vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.comBackground vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.comPattern vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Happymod.games Hybrid Animals MOD APK

إن قضاء الكثير من الوقت في الأيام الأولى من تراكم Hybrid Animals من العملة داخل اللعبة أمر مؤلم للغاية. بالطبع ، بالإضافة إلى الأموال التي يمكن أن تساعدك في حل هذه المشكلة ، سيكون Happymod Hybrid Animals mod apk خيارًا أفضل. لدى مستخدمي Hybrid Animals التعليقات التالية:

Awesome game! Only problem is that I can't find Eliza after getting all 6 DNA sequences. there are a lot of ads, but I can forgive that since I don't recall seeing any in game purchases, so in order to make money you need ads.

It's a fun game, the controls are a little clunky, but overall it was fun. I unocked all 40 creatures and have all 6 DNA strands, but I can't figure what to do from here.

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