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يوفر إصدارات مختلفة من Final Squad mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات 1.055 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Final Squad 1.055 2023 mod APK لأجهزة Android مجانًا الآن على!
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In 21XX, due to global warming, most of the North Pole melted and unknown microorganisms spread around the world. One of the microorganisms spread a highly contagious virus, causing a fatal disease in humans. This disease erased people's reason and turned them like zombies... You must find survivors with special weapons to form your team, search for hidden supplies and artifacts, and survive to the end.[ Let's join colleagues! ]As you explore the map or complete achievements, you can meet many companions. Create a team of 5 people and create your own special combination. Normal Weapon: Capable of rapid fire or multiple shots to attack enemies. Regular weapon bullets can trigger headshots that instantly kill enemies. Melee Weapon: Attacks all enemies at close range. Although the range is short, it can attack all enemies within close range and can result in headshots. Flame Weapon: When you attack an enemy with a flame weapon, the enemy is engulfed in flames for a few seconds and can inflict continuous damage.Ice Weapon: Freezes the enemy for a certain period of time and prevents the enemy from moving. Electric Weapon: A penetrating/wide-area attack that briefly stiffens the enemy, preventing the enemy's movement and dealing damage. Explosive Weapon: Attacks enemies with a slow but powerful area-effect attack. [ Let’s search for supplies! ]Supplies scattered across the map increase team abilities and can be combined with specific hunters to unleash powerful attacks.[ With drones! ]Drones can increase the abilities of the entire team, or you can combine drones to get special attack bonuses. Drones are essential equipment to increase your survival.[ Achievement missions ]Complete dozens of achievements to acquire characters, increase your inventory, and obtain special items to continually upgrade your team!Create a team of 5 people and complete your own final squad! Your chances of survival increase depending on the combination of the five weapons! Create the strongest final squad, Fire a barrage of bullets at all the zombies on the screen! A world in ruins.Find friends, Make your team, and fight zombies! Final Squad MOD APK
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I've been playing since I came into contact with Final Squad - The last troops, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.
The game experience of Final Squad - The last troops is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in Final Squad - The last troops and gained friends. I am an old player of Final Squad - The last troops, and I have my feelings for Final Squad - The last troops! Come on, hope to do better!
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ب. ابحث عن Final Squad في تطبيق Happymod.
C. انقر فوق التعديل المطلوب في قائمة نتائج بحث Final Squad.
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