App Name Carrom Candy
Package Name com.butterboxgames.candycarrom
Genre Board
Size 31.19 MB
Latest Version 4.1.3
MOD Info
Update Thu Jun 16 2022

Carrom Candy Mod APK 2023 تنزيل -

Carrom Candy هي لعبة board أحبها اللاعبون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل Carrom Candy apk 2023 ، لكن Carrom Candy غالبًا ما تستهلك الكثير من الطاقة والمال ، لذلك أصبح Carrom Candy mod apk مهمة أكثر أهمية. يوفر راحة كبيرة لتنزيل Carrom Candy mod apk.

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يوفر إصدارات مختلفة من Carrom Candy mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات 4.1.3 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Carrom Candy 4.1.3 2023 mod APK لأجهزة Android مجانًا الآن على!

وصف Carrom Candy Mod APK 2023

Carrom Board Offline - is a free family-friendly board game that will revive your childhoodmemories.Carrom or Karrom or caram, an Indian version of more popularly named pool disk (disc) or poolbilliards or carom billiards or billiards City.It is a free-to-play classic carrom board game with a concept similar to pool and shuffleboard.Carambot games come with a lot of leagues and levels. You'll find smooth controls and veryrealistic physics in this world of Carrom Board games.Carrom Board Offline works on slow networks & offline, plays both board games fast and comesin a small package.If you want to play carrom offline game 2 player anytime and anywhere, but your mobile phonehas insufficient memory and the network is often not good, you can only connect to 2G or 3Gnetwork, it is recommended to use Carrom Board Offline.Carrom Board Offline is a smaller package, faster to play carrom bot games, and moreimportantly, you can still play carrom offline game 2 players, 4 players, and at the same time,your choice of carrom modes will not be reduced, you can also play carrom offline games withcomputer, it is completely free.How To Play:Carrom offline has three modes, including classic carrom bot game, free style crambot andcarrom pool, let's play carrom board offline game with computer together.CLASSIC CARROM: Everyone must shoot the carrom ball of their chosen color into the hole,and then they chase the red ball, also known as the "Queen", hitting the Queen and the last ballin succession will win a real carrom board offline game.CARROM DISC POOL : In this mode, you must set the correct angle. Then shoot the carromball into the pocket. Without the queen ball, you can win by hitting all the balls into the pocket incarrom bot board game.FREESTYLE CARROM: Points system, regardless of black and white, hits the black ball +10,hits the white ball +20, hits the red ball queen +50 in this freestyle carrom, the person with thehighest score wins in the carrom board bot.Carrom Offline Features:-Convenient: No internet required, play carrom offline game anytime, anywhere.-Kill time: A variety of carrom modes to enjoy different carrom games in carrom bot board offlinegame 2 player.-Play with friends: You can enjoy the wonderful carrom bot game time of carrom offline with your2 friends.-Various skin options: Dozens of carrom offline game skins to choose from, choose your favoritecarrom board suit when fighting against people!The Carrom Board Offline bot package is small, but the fun is infinite!If you are still troubled by poor network and low phone memory, come experience Carrom BoardOffline Game now!CONTACT INFORMATION:Email: [email protected] Policy: Carrom Candy MOD APK

إن قضاء الكثير من الوقت في الأيام الأولى من تراكم Carrom Candy من العملة داخل اللعبة أمر مؤلم للغاية. بالطبع ، بالإضافة إلى الأموال التي يمكن أن تساعدك في حل هذه المشكلة ، سيكون Happymod Carrom Candy mod apk خيارًا أفضل. لدى مستخدمي Carrom Candy التعليقات التالية:

I really really love this game! It's like soo much fun and you have to see what you do or what you see. Everyone fails if they play with me and i win all the time not all but some time they win ! I have 66230 coins! Is a miracle right? Please download this game and earn coins !

Great game!! A reminiscent of our childhood!!! This app has brought us our most favorite game of all time, Carrom, straight to our palms and that too with great game play and 3D graphics.

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C. انقر فوق التعديل المطلوب في قائمة نتائج بحث Carrom Candy.

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