Callbreak Ludo with Rummy & 29 Mod APK 2023 تنزيل -
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وصف Callbreak Ludo with Rummy & 29 Mod APK 2023
Callbreak, Ludo, Rummy, Dhumbal, Kitti, Solitaire, and Jutpatti are the most popular games among board/card game players. Unlike other card games, these games are pretty easy to learn and play. Enjoy multiple games in a single pack.Here are the basic rules and description of the games:Callbreak GameCall Break, also known as 'call brake' is a long-run game played with 52 cards deck between 4 players with 13 cards each. There are five rounds in this game, including 13 tricks in one round. For each deal, the player must play the same suit card. Spade is the default trump card. The player with the highest deals after five rounds will win.Local Names: - Callbreak in Nepal- Lakdi, Lakadi in IndiaLudoLudo is probably the most straightforward board game ever. You wait for your turn, roll the dice and move your coins according to the random number that shows up on the dice. You can configure the rules of ludo according to your preference. You can play a game with a bot or other players.Rummy - Indian and NepaliTwo to five players play Rummy with ten cards in Nepal and 13 cards in India. Each player aims to arrange their cards in groups of sequences and trials/sets. They can also use a Joker card to form those sequences or sets after they have arranged a Pure Sequence. In each deal, the players pick and throw a card until someone wins the round. Usually, whoever makes the arrangement first wins the round. There is only one round in Indian Rummy, whereas multiple rounds are played in Nepali Rummy before a winner is declared.29 Card Game29 is a trick-taking card game played among four players in 2 teams. Two players facing each other groups up to win tricks with the highest rank cards. The turn changes in an anti-clockwise direction where each player has to places a bid. The player with the highest bid is the Bid Winner; they can decide the trump suit. If the bid winner team wins that round, they get 1 point, and if they lose they get a negative 1 point. The 6 of Hearts or Diamonds indicate a positive score, and 6 of Spades or Clubs indicate a negative score. A team wins when they score 6 points, or when the opponent scores negative 6 points.Kitti - 9 Cards GameIn Kitti, nine cards are distributed among 2-5 players. The player needs to arrange three groups of cards, 3 in each group. Once the player arranges the cards of Kitti, the player compares the cards with the other player. If the players' cards win, they win that one show. The Kitti game runs for three shows each round. If nobody wins the round (i.e., no consecutive winning shows), we call it a Kitti and reshuffle the cards. The game continues until a player wins the round.DhumbalDhumbal is a fun game played between 2-5 players with five cards distributed to each. The player should aim to have as a fewer sum of cards number as possible. You can throw pure sequences or same numbered cards to get the minimal value. One can show their cards when the total sum of cards number is less or equal to the required minimum value. Whoever has the lowest sum of cards number wins the game.Solitaire – ClassicSolitaire is one of the most played card games ever. This game includes a classic version of the solitaire game that you used to play on your PC. The goal is to stack cards in descending order. The same type or same colors of cards does not go together. While managing, a red card will go with a black card and vice-versa. This rule makes solitaire a bit more challenging.Multiplayer ModeWe're working to include even more card games and building a multiplayer platform. Once the platform is ready, you can play Callbreak, Ludo and other multiplayer games with your friends over the internet or offline with a local hotspot.Please send us your feedback, and we'll try to improve the game performance as per your requirements.Thank you for playing, and please check out our other games. Callbreak Ludo with Rummy & 29 MOD APK
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