Bloody Bastards Mod APK 2023 تنزيل -
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يوفر إصدارات مختلفة من Bloody Bastards mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات 3.3.1 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Bloody Bastards 3.3.1 2023 mod APK لأجهزة Android مجانًا الآن على!
وصف Bloody Bastards Mod APK 2023
Bloody Bastards is a physics-based medieval fighting game where you fight against your bastard brothers.Destroy your enemies by using an arsenal of daggers, axes, swords, maces and hammers in the arena of champions.In a unique blend of pixel art, 2D physics and ragdoll mechanics, Bloody Bastards offers a fighting experience like nothing else. Tap and hold on either side of the screen to control each hand individually and double tap to move. Choose from hundreds of different weapons, shields, body, leg and head gear to create thousands of lethal combinations.Prove yourself! There can be only one!Features:- Fast-paced, physics-based, 2D fighting game- Huge amount of different levels in a variety of locations- Thousants of pieces of equipment- Different and challenging enemies at every level- Insane multiplayerWebsite:- Bloody Bastards MOD APK
إن قضاء الكثير من الوقت في الأيام الأولى من تراكم Bloody Bastards من العملة داخل اللعبة أمر مؤلم للغاية. بالطبع ، بالإضافة إلى الأموال التي يمكن أن تساعدك في حل هذه المشكلة ، سيكون Happymod Bloody Bastards mod apk خيارًا أفضل. لدى مستخدمي Bloody Bastards التعليقات التالية:
A great game with a combat system you actually have to learn to be effective. I do have 2 major problems at the moment though. 1. Stabbing. While it can be done and is actually required with 2 handed weapons, it ain't great. If maybe you could have a stance button or something that would keep the point of the weapon pointed towards the enemy at all times, that would help a lot. 2. There is a glitch in multiplayer where you can sometimes do huge damage for no apparent reason when swinging wildly.
The game is great, simple controls, easy to understand, I love it. I do have some. Recommendations though, could you add a zombies wave mode, and make spooky mode more green and like zombies instead of skeletons, I know you can't do stuff like decapitation but with zombies mode it can be possible maybe. I know ur a single dev and I'm really shocked, ALSO PLEASE KEEP UPLOADING TO TIKTOK
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