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Start of 14-day attendance event of Mir, which is newly added to Mir continentBe sure to participate in Mir's 14-day attendance event where you can receive various rewards for 14 days.▣ Game Introduction ▣Mir M: Vanguard and VagabondWhat legend do you want to be remembered as?Vanguard to be at the forefront of the battlefield, Vagabond to write the history of adventureA legendary song that will resound in the age of war and adventure!► The circle of essence and possession. New growth specialized system “Mandala”Will you walk the path of a hero who dominates the battlefield with powerful fighting power?Will you walk the path of a craftsman who will rise to the highest level of production, crafting, and strengthening?A two-pronged “mandala” to become a legend that anyone can go to, but no one can reach.The path I choose, become the legend of others!► Modern restoration of classic battles “Grid Gaming”Character movement and attack based on an 8-direction grid.And even the quarter view where you can see the whole situation at a glance!Dominate the compatibility between jobs, distance, direction, and surrounding featuresA battlefield where every step becomes a winning strategy to annihilate the enemy. ► The key to economic and power struggle “Battle for the occupation of Bigok”An essential material for growth and the core resource of the Mir Continent “Heuk Iron”The fierce clash between the clans surrounding the only mining site, “The Battle for the Occupation of Bigok”Who will take the huge economic interest through the taxation of all black iron mined in the pit?The one who conquers the bigok will finally become the master of black iron!► Age of war and adventure. My and our “moonpa”My strength will soon become the growth of the clan,The growth of the clan is the cornerstone for becoming a stronger me soon!“Sura Wars,” which competes for individual strength, and “Munpa Wars,” which proves the strength of the clan,And up to the “siege battle”, the pinnacle of the war to gain absolute power in the Mir continent!Our choices become our paths, and our paths become legends.▣ Minimum Specifications: Galaxy S8
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