Swapper Mod APK 2023 تنزيل - Happymod.games
Swapper هي أداة Swapper أحبها المستخدمون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل Swapper apk 2023 ، ولكن Swapper غالبًا ما يستهلك الكثير من المال ، لذلك أصبح تطبيق Swapper mod apk أكثر أهمية. يوفر Happymod.games راحة كبيرة لتنزيل Swapper mod apk.
لقد مرت Swapper بالعديد من الإصدارات على مر السنين. Swapper 2018 ، Swapper 2019 ، Swapper 2020 ، Swapper 2021. Swapper 2023 هو أحدث إصدار ، لذلك غالبًا ما يتم استخدام Swapper v1.4.1 2023 ككلمة رئيسية لعمليات بحث المستخدم.
يوفر Happymod.games إصدارات مختلفة من Swapper mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات v1.4.1 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Swapper v1.4.1 2023 mod APK لنظام Android مجانًا الآن على Happymod.games!
وصف Swapper Mod APK 2023
With Swapper, you will be able to create SWAP Memory for your Android. FAQ Why can not I change the location of the SWAP memory for the External SD Card? Some devices do not support changing the SWAP memory location, when this is identified, the application itself notifies and disables the function. I created the SWAP memory, but the usage / used bar remains at 0 MB. What happened? This means that your device has not yet needed to use SWAP Memory. Increase Priority of use , this will make Android give a greater preference to SWAP memory. Why did not my RAM settings increase in my device settings? The memory that is displayed in the settings of your device is Physical RAM. Because SWAP is an emulated RAM memory, it will not appear there. Can I uninstall the application after creating SWAP memory? No! SWAP memory depends on the application to be activated. I created the SWAP memory but I can not delete it, what do I do? Your Android device is probably blocking removal. Uncheck Enable SWAP when starting Android , restart the device, open the application, and try deleting SWAP memory again. Do I need to delete SWAP memory before uninstalling the application? Yes! If you uninstall the application without deleting the SWAP memory, it will take up space on your device.
Happymod.games Swapper MOD APK
إن إنفاق الكثير من المال في الأيام الأولى لتراكم Swapper من Swapper بالعملة المبكرة هو أمر مؤلم للغاية. سيكون Happymod Swapper mod apk خيارًا أفضل. مستخدمي Swapper لديهم التعليقات التالية:
I find it extremely helpful on my Galaxy S5 that has low ram for custom Android 9.0 ....Now my device runs like it's on stock OS .... completely fluent in every way....Thanks to this app....But i have one doubt.. Like all sd cards usually die faster due to swapping...i am using my phone's internal memory for swap....Can it kill my phone's memory chip ? Thanks
Just installed on my old Samsung Galaxy grand neo that was running Android 4 but now has a custom ROM of Android 7 with root the phone only has one gig of memory. This app has made phone much more responsive and faster so I give it five stars well done to the Dev the laginess has decreased by about 50% the phone now runs apps much faster and I am very happy thank
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