Referee Manager

App Name Referee Manager
Package Name att.jandlapps.refereemanager
Size 32.61 MB
Latest Version
MOD Info
Update Thu Feb 16 2023

Referee Manager Mod APK 2023 تنزيل -

Referee Manager هي أداة Referee Manager أحبها المستخدمون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل Referee Manager apk 2023 ، ولكن Referee Manager غالبًا ما يستهلك الكثير من المال ، لذلك أصبح تطبيق Referee Manager mod apk أكثر أهمية. يوفر راحة كبيرة لتنزيل Referee Manager mod apk.

لقد مرت Referee Manager بالعديد من الإصدارات على مر السنين. Referee Manager 2018 ، Referee Manager 2019 ، Referee Manager 2020 ، Referee Manager 2021. Referee Manager 2023 هو أحدث إصدار ، لذلك غالبًا ما يتم استخدام Referee Manager 2023 ككلمة رئيسية لعمليات بحث المستخدم.

يوفر إصدارات مختلفة من Referee Manager mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل Referee Manager 2023 mod APK لنظام Android مجانًا الآن على!

وصف Referee Manager Mod APK 2023

Functionality in the professional version:1. Occupations are automatically recorded by the occupation SMS and the journey time, km, and total duration are calculated.2. A calendar entry is pre-made and saved in the calendar with one click.3. Income is entered according to the league of occupation and travel expenses and diets are automatically deducted.4. An income-expenditure list of the tax-relevant income (and all other match data such as SR, A1, A2, league, ...) can be displayed and exported.When adding mileage to the entries, the logbook is also digitally and simply kept. Based on this, comparative calculations between actual car costs and mileage allowance can be displayed.Seminars / group meetings / tests (including provided food) and expenses for equipment / contributions and others can also be added to this income-expenditure list. This gives you an overview of whether you are above the tax limits, and if so, a ready-made help for the tax return.To organize the training, you can define recurring joint training with a minimum of training participation. On these days, the app sends a notification whether you are going to exercise or not, or whether the training is taking place at all. A list of the training courses attended and the corresponding participation can be displayed.All entries can also be added manually, exported as a signed PDF or Excel and imported again.The entries are recorded in accordance with the tax authorities, as they are marked as completed after one month by a cryptographic signature and can no longer be edited afterwards.The free version is the right one for referees who are just starting out and who are rarely used.You can add junior games automatically and quickly like a pro!In addition, you can add entries manually, but you always have to enter the times, descriptions, kilometers, driving time and income as well as league manually.Further restrictions:- The calendar entry is not suggested.- Training courses cannot be added and therefore no training participation can be calculated.- Mileage for the detailed logbook cannot be added.- Comparative calculations for the car (actual costs vs. mileage allowance) are not available.- Export as PDF or Excel is not possible.- A calculated tax return completion aid is not included.- When adding entries, you will see the advantages of a professional account for 15 seconds.- The entries are only signed in the free version (and only count as verifiable records) if you link your Google account to the app and thus create a free account. By doing so, you agree that I can contact you by email to ask which features you like and what it takes for you to become a professional.An elite version for Bundesliga referees is also available.In addition to the professional features, you can use the following features:- Bundesliga income, paid diets and travel expenses are stored- Income> 400 € can be entered- Overnight stays can be entered- Support for 4th officials- Options for travel through the travel agency (train, flight)- Adjusted calendar entries for departure times depending on the distance according to the elite referee rules, as well as longer observer conversations based on video analysis- Comparison of the basic flat rate with a complete income-expenditure calculation- Priority support Referee Manager MOD APK

إن إنفاق الكثير من المال في الأيام الأولى لتراكم Referee Manager من Referee Manager بالعملة المبكرة هو أمر مؤلم للغاية. سيكون Happymod Referee Manager mod apk خيارًا أفضل. مستخدمي Referee Manager لديهم التعليقات التالية:

I've been playing since I came into contact with Referee Manager, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.

The game experience of Referee Manager is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in Referee Manager and gained friends. I am an old player of Referee Manager, and I have my feelings for Referee Manager! Come on, hope to do better!

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