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وصف onX Offroad Mod APK 2023
GPS mapping App that lets you easily find the off-road trails you're looking for—whether you want to discover what’s open nearby or explore somewhere new. Filter 615K miles of nationwide trails by accessibility for 4x4, SxS, dirt bikes, moto, ATV/Quads, Overland, and snowmobiles. ▶Government InformationonXmaps, Inc. does not represent any government or political entity, though you may find various links to public information within our services. For more information on any government information found within the services, click on the associated .gov link.▶Navigate Without Cell Coverage Save Offline Maps to bring your custom maps and adventure along when you're outside cell coverage on the trail. With the onX Offroad App, you turn your phone into a handheld GPS device using your phone's internal GPS. Navigate offline by following the blue dot to always know how to get home–wherever home is that night. ▶Adventure is Tap Away with Our Library of Map DataWith map data sourced from USFS, MVUM, BLM, and NPS, our color-coded basemap includes off-road trails, Public Land boundaries, and recreation points to let you quickly scan for open routes near you and locate dispersed camping or campgrounds. Tap anywhere on the map to find hiking trailheads, trailer parking, non-ethanol fuel stations, boat launches, fishing access, and more. Scout the landscape and visualize mountains by viewing your maps in 3D, topo, satellite imagery, or a hybrid. ▶Private Property Maps With Boundaries-Elite Only Make your maps Elite to discover more off-road access with private property boundaries and data for the whole country. Know where you can off-road and camp, and find out who owns OHV trails or the property next to a trail easement with our Private Land Map Layer. ▶Plan, Record, Save, and Share Your Trips Drop Waypoints to save points of interest on your maps and share locations with others. Go and Track records and saves your speed, distance, location, and leaves a breadcrumb trail so you’ll always find your way back and can share your ride with friends and family. ▶Off-Road Trails In Your Vehicle’s DashAndroid Auto compatibility lets you enjoy hands-free navigation and view off road trails and maps in-dash. *When in service, Android users can see their in-dash maps in 3D.*▶ PREMIUM AND ELITE OFFROAD APP FEATURES:▶Private Land Layer-ELITE ONLY: Nationwide private property maps and land boundaries, ownership information, and acreage▶985 million acres of Public Land across the U.S.▶615,000+ miles of motorized roads and trails off-road for 4x4, Side-by-Side, dirtbikes, dual sport,, ATV, Quads, Overlanding, and snowmobiling▶24K topographic maps and 3D maps for the entire U.S.▶Designated camping areas, campsites, campgrounds▶Hot Springs, Breweries, and much more▶Save unlimited Offline Maps for offline navigation without cell service▶Mark points along your route with photo Waypoints to plan and share your adventures.▶onX OFFROAD GOVERNMENT DATA SOURCES: ▶ TERMS OF USE: ▶Privacy Policy: ▶ FEEDBACK:At onX it’s our mission to help you find new places to explore with confidence, knowing you have onX Offroad with you.If you have any trouble or have an idea on what you’d like to see in the app next, please contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.
Happymod.games onX Offroad MOD APK
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I've been playing since I came into contact with onX Offroad: Trail Maps & GPS, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.
The game experience of onX Offroad: Trail Maps & GPS is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in onX Offroad: Trail Maps & GPS and gained friends. I am an old player of onX Offroad: Trail Maps & GPS, and I have my feelings for onX Offroad: Trail Maps & GPS! Come on, hope to do better!
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