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وصف Kitten Sounds HD Mod APK 2023
You don't have pets and you miss the sounds of kittens? Then download this app and listen to variety of carefully selected kitten sounds that reminds you how cute they are. Have you ever wondered how many sounds your cat can make? Here are few sounds that are popular and frequently used by cats - Purring - Kittens make it while they are being breast-fed, while grown-up cats produce it in many pleasant situations.Trill - This is a sound in between meow and purr. Cats produce it without opening their mouth. It is one of the sounds that mothers and kittens exchange.Hiss and spit - A cat which tries to defend itself and threatens can completely open its mouth and expel air in a brusque way.Howl and yowl - These are threatening noises which sound like endless meowing. Snarl and growl - This is a threatening sound in a deep tone which can last between a fraction of a second and several seconds.Scream or screech of pain - This is a sudden, high-pitched sound, very loud, which cats emit when they have hurt themselves.Kitten Sounds app Features :● All Sounds are high quality sounds● App can work in the background● Auto-play sounds mode available● App works offline after download.● Free App● Set any Sound as Ringtone, Alarm tone, Notification tones Kitten Sounds HD MOD APK
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It has the best cat sounds it makes best high quality audio to listen and can make them as my notifications tone also very good and easy app to operate
Kitten sounds for the best and most popular application and I am so impressed with this application and I really like it this application. Free app download in play store with this application..
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