In-počasí Mod APK 2023 تنزيل -
In-počasí هي أداة In-počasí أحبها المستخدمون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل In-počasí apk 2023 ، ولكن In-počasí غالبًا ما يستهلك الكثير من المال ، لذلك أصبح تطبيق In-počasí mod apk أكثر أهمية. يوفر راحة كبيرة لتنزيل In-počasí mod apk.
لقد مرت In-počasí بالعديد من الإصدارات على مر السنين. In-počasí 2018 ، In-počasí 2019 ، In-počasí 2020 ، In-počasí 2021. In-počasí 2023 هو أحدث إصدار ، لذلك غالبًا ما يتم استخدام In-počasí 3.11.4 2023 ككلمة رئيسية لعمليات بحث المستخدم.
يوفر إصدارات مختلفة من In-počasí mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات 3.11.4 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل In-počasí 3.11.4 2023 mod APK لنظام Android مجانًا الآن على!
وصف In-počasí Mod APK 2023
In-weather is a popular Czech application free and without ads, which displays the current outdoor temperature and weather forecast. The data is updated every 30 minutes and thus always corresponds to the actual measured values at the location. The application offers a rich number of widgets with information about the weather, time, alarm clock or holidays. There are also daily updated forecasts. All this is set in a pleasant and clear design.Properties:- display of current temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind direction and speed- 9 day weather forecast- detailed forecast for the next 24 hours- climatic data at individual meteorological stations (records, weather archive)- there are more than 5000 localities from the Czech Republic- Widgets with current weather, forecast, time, holidays or alarm clock- display of astronomical data (Sun and Moon)- display of radar images including accurate forecast for 90 minutesDetailed forecastsFor 24 hours in advance in the application you will find detailed forecasts after three hours, which will offer a comprehensive view of the expected weather in the near future (including weather forecast, temperature, total precipitation and wind). Of course, there is also a forecast for the next days, but only in the overall state for the whole day.The densest network of weather stationsThe application downloads data from a dense network of meteorological stations in the Czech Republic. In addition to professional stations, it also uses private stations located throughout the Czech Republic. In the application, you always look at accurate and current data measured in a given place.WidgetsThe application offers a variety of widgets for your phone's desktop. Thanks to the widgets, you will learn not only the current temperature outside and the forecast for the next days, but also the current date, holiday and time. The largest widget format displays the clock, current temperature, holiday, date, weather for the day, and news. You will always have the weather information at hand.RadarYou can view the exact development of precipitation in the application using data from radars, which capture the development of precipitation. The data is updated every 10 minutes. A radar forecast for the next hour is also available.Forecasts made by Czech meteorologistsThe forecasts are regularly updated and prepared by meteorologists from the In-weather portal. The data for the application are created directly in the Czech Republic and are regularly checked. The application uses a dense network of meteorological stations throughout our territory. In their immediate vicinity, the application displays the current outdoor temperature to one tenth of a degree exactly. In-počasí MOD APK
إن إنفاق الكثير من المال في الأيام الأولى لتراكم In-počasí من In-počasí بالعملة المبكرة هو أمر مؤلم للغاية. سيكون Happymod In-počasí mod apk خيارًا أفضل. مستخدمي In-počasí لديهم التعليقات التالية:
I've been playing since I came into contact with In-počasí, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.
The game experience of In-počasí is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in In-počasí and gained friends. I am an old player of In-počasí, and I have my feelings for In-počasí! Come on, hope to do better!
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ب- ابحث عن In-počasí في تطبيق Happymod.
انقر فوق الوضع المطلوب في قائمة نتائج بحث In-počasí.
انقر فوق تنزيل الحزمة لتثبيت In-počasí mod apk مباشرة.