En el dia de hoy

Version: 202300005.0
App Name En el dia de hoy
Package Name com.eneldiadehoy
Size 7.67 MB
Latest Version 202300005.0
MOD Info
Update Fri Sep 22 2023

En el dia de hoy Mod APK 2023 تنزيل - Happymod.games

En el dia de hoy هي أداة En el dia de hoy أحبها المستخدمون حتى الآن. في الوقت الحالي ، يرغب الكثير من الأشخاص في تنزيل En el dia de hoy apk 2023 ، ولكن En el dia de hoy غالبًا ما يستهلك الكثير من المال ، لذلك أصبح تطبيق En el dia de hoy mod apk أكثر أهمية. يوفر Happymod.games راحة كبيرة لتنزيل En el dia de hoy mod apk.

لقد مرت En el dia de hoy بالعديد من الإصدارات على مر السنين. En el dia de hoy 2018 ، En el dia de hoy 2019 ، En el dia de hoy 2020 ، En el dia de hoy 2021. En el dia de hoy 2023 هو أحدث إصدار ، لذلك غالبًا ما يتم استخدام En el dia de hoy 202300005.0 2023 ككلمة رئيسية لعمليات بحث المستخدم.

يوفر Happymod.games إصدارات مختلفة من En el dia de hoy mod apk. يحتوي على أحدث إصدارات 202300005.0 MOD لعام 2023. قم بتنزيل En el dia de hoy 202300005.0 2023 mod APK لنظام Android مجانًا الآن على Happymod.games!

وصف En el dia de hoy Mod APK 2023

What can you check or do with this application?Configure the home screen with the menu button (upper right), checking the sections you want to be displayed when starting the application and the desired background (in the main menu you can save settings of the entire application in a text file and send it to another device and download it in the download folder and then Recover Settings):- My Links: on the initial screen, the top menu located on the right side, with the links saved when browsing Google in search or through newspapers, by pressing the [|] icon (vertical arrow).- Change font size: from the navigation menus and the presentation of the news, time, on the initial screen from the menu located in the upper right.- Weather: shows the forecast prepared by the AEMET (updated every 2 hours, meanwhile it can be consulted offline). Search by name of the municipality, province, location and voice.- Traffic: shows the incidents recorded in the Dgt. Also access the google map according to the province selected with the traffic layer.- Calendars: access the work calendar prepared by the social security of your municipality. Classic calendar (offline) with important events. Formula 1 calendar, motogp calendar, soccer league calendar, names calendar (offline), horoscope, lunar ...- Kiosk: national and international press, access the main media and magazines of the country, you can create your own kiosk by selecting your newspapers (20minutes, elmundo, the country, brand, ace, sport, sports world and many more) and favorite magazines (Hello, Readings, Love, Mia, Woman, Smoda and many more).- Headlines: shows the headlines of the selected sources. Press the earth icon and you can select the sources of your headlines.- Television: see the guide and television news- Lottery: check the latest lottery results.- Cinema: billboard, premieres and specialized media news.- Notebook: create your to-do lists. You can share, add by voice, add shopping list, play phrases (this option requires that the phone has speechtotext installed), save your position and then display on the map, record a reminder, export the notes to a text file saved on the memory card (Notebooks), which you can then import on the same device or another where you have the application installed.- Dictionary: query in the dictionary of the rae, having a record of the words consulted, in addition you can also consult in the wikipedia and in a dictionary of dreams.- Health: find information on health issues in different media,.- Radio: online player of the main radio stations in Spain, plus stations by type of music.- Search: compilation of some of the main search sites. From this option, by clicking on the world icon, you can select if you want to add the searched link to your kiosk- Applications: select or search the applications you have installed on your mobile (application drawer).- BMI Calculator: a simple calculator to know what your body mass index is and save history.- Stopwatch: simple stopwatch with the option to count the distance traveled by activating the GPS.- Maps: different types of maps, weather, provinces, communities, continents, capitals.- Text to voice: a simple text to speech converter, with a series of preloaded phrases in English and Spanish.Note1: to eliminate municipalities, provinces, words, newspapers, except in the notes, continuous pressure must be placed on the record to be deleted.Note2: when you are looking for a municipality by province and you want to select another province, you have to press the search magnifying glass again and select province.

Happymod.games En el dia de hoy MOD APK

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