EAS Simulator Free Mod APK 2023 تنزيل - Happymod.games
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وصف EAS Simulator Free Mod APK 2023
Ever wanted to simulate a natural disaster, a nuclear war or a zombie apocalypse? Now you can use your Android device to play realistic-looking Emergency Alert System (formerly known as Emergency Broadcast System) alerts. ✅ APP FEATURES: • Plays realistic EAS alerts. Choose from a default list of alerts or create your own (EAS Simulator Pro).• Import custom EAS alerts created with EAS Simulator Pro by friends or shared online.• Schedule an alert to play at a given time (even if the device is locked). Ideal for drills, pranks or role-playing.• Loaded with a set of pre-defined alerts detailing different real-life scenarios, including a flash flood in New Jersey, a tornado in Oklahoma or a tsunami in Hawaii. Other alerts include movie and video-game inspired scenarios such as nuclear attacks or zombie virus pandemics (EAS Simulator Pro).• Includes a limited version of the app's EAS creator and video exporter for trial purposes. For the complete creator (all features) check EAS Simulator Pro. 🚨 THE ALERTS: • Backgrounds similar to the ones used on TV alerts (black, color bars, intermission screens, etc.).• Static or blinking texts.• Scrolling texts (news-ticker like).• SAME headers (the beeping and buzzing sounds heard in the beginning of the alerts).• Attention signal (single/combined frequency and tornado siren).• Voice message generated by your device's Text to Speech engine (TTS). • End of Message (EOM) sound. 📱 RECOMMENDED ANDROID VERSION: Android 8.0+ (Oreo) 📝 IMPORTANT NOTES: • EAS Simulator Demo lets you play a set of pre-defined mock Emergency Alert System messages on your phone. Some of the alerts are only playable on EAS Simulator Pro. Creating custom alerts is only possible in EAS Simulator Pro. The Demo version includes a limited demo of the EAS creating features where you can play a short preview of your custom alerts.• Voice messages are not generated by EAS Simulator. Instead, the app uses your phone/tablet's built-in Text to Speech engine, if it has any. If your device doesn't have a TTS engine installed, the voice messages will not play, but everything else in the alerts will. The Google Play store has plenty of TTS engines and voices (both free and paid) you can use. If you want to use different voices in the alerts, you need to download and install a different TTS engine on your device and set it as the default.• Low-end phones/tablets might have some memory issues while running this app. 🛡️ PERMISSIONS: • Prevent device from sleeping: To make sure that the screen doesn't turn off due to inactivity while playing an EAS alert.• Microphone access: to record the audio when exporting the EAS alert as a video.• External storage: to import EAS alerts as files.• View network connections & Full network access: Communication with the Google Play Services and ads that support the Demo version. ✨ CHECK ALSO: • EAS Simulator Pro, which lets you create, play and save your own custom alerts, as well as converting them to videos, without limitations.
Happymod.games EAS Simulator Free MOD APK
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I've been playing since I came into contact with EAS Simulator Demo, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.
The game experience of EAS Simulator Demo is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in EAS Simulator Demo and gained friends. I am an old player of EAS Simulator Demo, and I have my feelings for EAS Simulator Demo! Come on, hope to do better!
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