CTA Rit Registratie Mod APK 2023 تنزيل - Happymod.games
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Intermediair.nl:"... The power of CTA Ride Registration is that the app takes a lot of work off your hands. You enter a number of locations based on the GPS, and the same GPS automatically fills in the ride information while driving. But the best part: you You can simply export the data to Excel, which means that you don't have to take out a subscription to get a reporting function, while the app itself is definitely not the most expensive of its kind..."Androidworld.nl:"... CTA Trip Registration is an excellent addition for lease drivers, who are required to keep accurate mileage administration. This app is also useful for business drivers, who have to keep track of their trip administration for their clients. In addition, the Excel overviews look look good and can be placed directly in your Dropbox...."Kilometer registration with your mobile phone or tablet. With the CTA Ride Registration app you can enter your rides both in real time and afterwards. In real-time mode, almost all ride data can be determined automatically by the app using the GPS module in your device.All saved rides can easily be viewed and exported to an Excel file. You can also export all data from the app and import it again for backup purposes.If you experience any problems with the app, please contact us via the 'About and Feedback' button in the 'Settings' menu.- Kilometer registration or trip registration- For both lease drivers and general trip registration- Supports multiple cars- Background mode- Current speed and distance on screen- Automatic address recognition- Easily view rides- Routes can be converted to Google Earth file format for the PC- Automatically start a new ride with Bluetooth connection- Pausing rides- NO online account required like many other apps that require a monthly subscription- No internet connection required to record a ride- Automatic route distance estimation- Importing addresses from phone book- Export trips to Excel(**)- Automatic export to Dropbox(*)- Backup/restore options(*)- DropBox integration(*)- Easily submit to the tax authorities(*)- NEW: Insight via PC/laptop via Web access (*)* = only possible with the FULL version** = Excel export max 10 trips with FREE version (no limitation in FULL version)*** IMPORTANT: Check that the option in your Android settings 'Developer options->Do not save activities' is turned off. ***Explanation of the required permissions:ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: when determining the start/end address, the exact GPS position is determined.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: when determining the start/end address, the global GPS position is determined.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: the app would like to be able to check whether you are connected to WiFi due to the automatic export function.INTERNET: Internet connection is required for automatic address determination, retrieving addresses, viewing maps, Dropbox support and automatic export.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to write backups to SD card.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: the app would like to be able to check whether you are connected to GPRS due to the automatic export function.BLUETOOTH: for the automatic start function when you pair with the car kitRECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: background service required for the Bluetooth connectionREAD_CONTACTS: required to import addresses from the contact list into the app. Because this permission is used, the app must also enable the READ_CALL_LOG permission, which is not used in the app.Website: statement:
Happymod.games CTA Rit Registratie MOD APK
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I've been playing since I came into contact with CTA Rit Registratie FULL, I'm very grateful that this app has brought me a lot of joy, and now it's very good for Android on Google. This app has a high degree of freedom and is very suitable for use when you are free. It is highly playable and recommended to buy.
The game experience of CTA Rit Registratie FULL is really good. Many users have experienced happiness in CTA Rit Registratie FULL and gained friends. I am an old player of CTA Rit Registratie FULL, and I have my feelings for CTA Rit Registratie FULL! Come on, hope to do better!
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